Re-worked workproject
This is something that I did for work, it was for a Christmas card for one of our tie-down brands Quickloader. I think I made this somewhere around 2013. I didn't feel it was the best version that it could be even back in the day so I decided to re-work it to see if I have upped my skills over the years enough to make it look as cool as I originally intended.
The brief was to create something cool for a Christmas card. Well, what's more Christmassy than Santas Sleigh. I had a few drinks with my friend and we started our own pimp my Sleigh. Of course, we had to add leather seats and -armrests, high beams on chrome bars, suspension, diamond plated steps, turn signal, and for a piece de resistance chrome flames to the skies.
What do you think? Should've added something else too? Comment and let me know.